Bone Age X-Ray Equipment DXA Bone Densitometer
Privacy Policy

Date of entry into force: 2024/02/07

Version No.: V 1.0

Privacy Policy of Hypertides Official Website

[Special Note] Please read the "Privacy Policy of Hypertides Official Website" (especially the bolded and underlined contents) carefully to understand our personal information handling rules.

HangZhou HyperTides Medical Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Hypertides" or "we") attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy and personal information. When you browse and use our official website (e.g., by clicking "Contact Us"), we may collect and use information about you. We would like to explain to you how we collect, use, store, make available and transfer this information when you visit or use our website, and how we provide you with access to, update, delete and protect this information in this Hypertides Official Website Privacy Policy ("this Privacy Policy").

This Privacy Policy applies to Hypertides official website (web-based) and does not apply to information collected by third parties who access Hypertides official website to provide products or services to you.

This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:

Chapter Ⅰ How we collect your personal information

Chapter Ⅱ How we use your personal information

Chapter Ⅲ How we commission, provide, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

Chapter Ⅳ How we store your personal information

Chapter Ⅴ How we protect your personal information

Chapter Ⅵ How you manage personal information

Chapter Ⅶ How we protect minors' information

Chapter Ⅷ Notifications and amendments

Chapter Ⅸ How to contact us

This Privacy Policy is closely related to the services of our official website, and we hope that you will read it carefully and make sure that you fully understand the contents of this Privacy Policy before browsing and using our official website, and that you can make the choices you deem appropriate in accordance with the guidelines of this Privacy Policy. We have endeavored to use easy-to-understand and concise terms in this Privacy Policy, and have bolded the terms and personal information in this Privacy Policy that have a significant relationship with your rights and interests to bring them to your attention. By checking the "Agree" box when using the "Contact Us" function on our official website, you consent to the handling of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact us using the contact information set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Chapter Ⅰ How we collect your personal information

Article 1 When we collect your personal information

We will only collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

(1) In order to the daily operation of the network, or to improve the quality of network operations, or on the website's utilization, management, maintenance and help diagnose problems such as servers to provide reference to ensure the security of the network and services, when you browse, use our official website, we will collect your IP information, access logs, we collect your foregoing information in order to achieve the basic operation of the site's activities.

It should be noted that IP information and log information alone cannot identify a specific natural person, and therefore are not personal information or personal sensitive information. However, if such non-personal information is combined with other information for the purpose of identifying a specific natural person or is used in combination with personal information, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information during the period of combined use. In the event that this occurs, we will fulfill our obligation to notify you or obtain your consent as required by law or regulation.

(2)Contact Us

(a)When you use the "Contact Us" function on our official website, we need to collect your name, company/organization name, email address, contact phone number, suggestions and comments. We collect the above information from you in order to understand your suggestions, comments and needs and to contact you;

(b)If you do not provide e-mail information, we will not be able to contact you, and will not be able to provide you with the "Contact Us" function, and not providing information other than the aforementioned "e-mail" will not affect your use of the "Contact Us" function. Contact Us" function;

(c)If you only need to use basic services such as browsing and searching, you do not need to provide all of the foregoing information.

Article 2 When we collect personal information from others

If the information you provide when using the "Contact Us" function on our official website contains personal information about other third parties, you need to ensure that you have obtained the legal consent or authorization of the third party before providing us with such information.

Article 3 In the following cases, we do not need your consent to process your personal information:

(1)Necessary for the formation and performance of the contract to which you are a party;

(2)Necessary for the performance of legal duties or statutory obligations;

(3)Necessary to respond to public health emergencies or to protect the life, health and property of natural persons in emergency situations;

(4)The handling of personal information within a reasonable range when performing acts such as news reporting and monitoring of public opinion in the public interest;

(5)Handle personal information that you disclose on your own or that has been legally disclosed by others within a reasonable range in accordance with the law;

(6)Other cases stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

Chapter Ⅱ How we use your personal information

Article 1 We use personal information in accordance with the purpose for which it was collected in order to fulfill the functions of specific modules on our official website.

Article 2 The sensitive personal information we collect is prominently displayed in this Privacy Policy; where your separate consent is required, we will obtain it before collection. Please be aware that the disclosure, alteration or unauthorized use of your sensitive personal information may cause damage to your person or property. In order to prevent the leakage or unauthorized use of your sensitive personal information, we have taken appropriate technical and managerial protection measures to safeguard the security of your personal information to the best of our ability.

Article 3 As our official website is upgraded, we may make adjustments to the functionality of specific modules and the types of personal information collected and used as described in this Privacy Policy. When new features or services are related to those we currently provide, the personal information collected and used will be directly or reasonably related to the original processing purpose. We will not use your personal information in a manner that is not directly or reasonably related to the original processing purpose, or for any other purpose not set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Chapter Ⅲ How we commission, provide, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

Article 1 Commissioning

We may entrust a third party service provider to process your information on our behalf so that the third party service provider can help us provide professional services. Such entrusted processing is subject to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, and we will require the entrusted organization through written agreements, audits, etc. to require compliance with strict confidentiality obligations and effective confidentiality measures, and to prohibit it from using the entrusted information for purposes other than those for which it was entrusted.

Article 2 External availability

(1)We will only provide your personal information to other companies, organizations or individuals with your sole consent or for other legitimate reasons.

(2)We may provide your information to the outside world in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, the necessity of litigation, dispute resolution, or as required by the administrative or judicial authorities in accordance with the law, as well as the necessity of fulfilling other legal obligations. If we provide your personal information to a third party in order to fulfill our legal obligations, we will inform you of the name and contact information of the recipient of your personal information in an appropriate manner through feasible means.

(3)If we provide your personal information to a third party in response to a public health emergency or if it is necessary to protect your life, health and property in an emergency situation, we will notify you of the information at an appropriate time (e.g., after the emergency is over).

(4)We will sign strict sharing agreements with companies, organizations and individuals that receive your personal information, and require the recipients to handle your personal information in accordance with the provisions of the law, our instructions, and the contents of this privacy policy, and require the recipients to obtain your consent to any changes in the purpose or manner of processing. At the same time, we will assess the impact of personal information protection on the recipient before providing your personal information to the public, in order to examine whether the recipient's processing purpose and processing method are lawful, legitimate, and necessary, the impact on your personal rights and interests and the risk of security, and whether the recipient has taken lawful and effective technical and management measures appropriate to the level of risk to safeguard the security of personal information.

Article 3 Transfers

As our business continues to grow, we may undergo mergers and acquisitions, and your personal information may be transferred as a result. In the event of such a change, we will require the successor to protect your personal information, and in the event that the successor changes the original purpose or method of processing, we will require the successor to obtain your consent again.

Article 4 Public disclosure

In principle, we will not publicly disclose your personal information. If it is necessary to disclose your personal information publicly, we will obtain your individual consent or meet other conditions stipulated by law.

Chapter Ⅳ How we store your personal information

Article 1 Storage locations

We store your personal information collected and generated in the course of our operations in the People's Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations.

At this time, we do not transmit the above information outside of our country, and if we do transmit it outside of our country in the future, we will do so in accordance with the law.

Article 2 Storage period

We store your personal information only for the shortest period necessary for the purpose of providing the service. After the necessary period has elapsed, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, unless otherwise provided by law or regulation.

Chapter Ⅴ How we protect your personal information

Article 1 Security protection measures

We have implemented industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide against unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, alteration, damage or loss of data. We take all reasonably practicable steps to protect your personal information. For example, we use encryption technology to ensure data confidentiality; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information; and we conduct security and privacy training courses to enhance employee awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

Article 2 Security incident management

After the unfortunate occurrence of a personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently take to prevent and reduce the risk, and the remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the situation related to the incident by email, letter, phone call, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to make a public announcement. At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the disposition of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

If you have any questions about our protection of personal information, you may contact us via the contact information set forth in this Privacy Policy. If you become aware that your personal information has been compromised, please contact us immediately via the contact details set out in this Privacy Policy so that we can take appropriate action.

Chapter Ⅵ How you manage personal information

In accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and standards of China, as well as the common practice of other countries and regions, we guarantee that you will exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information:

Article 1 Inquire about or copy your personal information

You have the right to inquire about your personal information, and you may also inquire about or copy your personal information by contacting us at the contact information set forth in this Privacy Policy. Subject to compliance with relevant laws and regulations and technical feasibility, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information in a reproducible form within a reasonable period of time and by appropriate means.

Article 2 Correcting or supplementing your personal information

Where you become aware that the personal information we process about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to request that we make corrections or additions. You can contact us via the contact details set out in this Privacy Policy.

Article 3 Deletion of your personal information

In the following cases, you may make a request to us to delete your personal information:

(1)If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2)Based on consent to the processing of your personal information, you withdraw your consent;

(3)If we process personal information in breach of our agreement with you;

(4)If the purpose of our processing has been achieved, cannot be achieved or the use of your personal data is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing;

(5)Other cases provided for by law.

If you wish to exercise your right to data erasure, you may contact us using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.

Once we have assisted you in deleting the relevant information, we may not be able to immediately remove the corresponding information from our backup systems because of applicable legal and security technical limitations, and we will securely store your personal information and restrict any further processing of it until the backup can be erased or anonymized.

Article 4 Change the scope of your authorized consent

The "Contact Us" feature of our official website requires some necessary personal information to be completed, and for the collection and use of other additional personal information collected, you may give or withdraw your consent to authorize changes at any time by contacting us at the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy.

Please understand that when you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the services for which you have withdrawn your consent, but it will not affect the personal information processing services previously carried out on the basis of your authorization.

Article 5 Transfer of your personal information

If you need to transfer your personal information to other platforms, companies or organizations, you can contact us through the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy. We will review your request and, subject to the conditions set forth by the Internet Information Agency and where technically feasible, we will provide you with the means to transfer the appropriate personal information.

Article 6 Right of interpretation

If you have questions about our personal information handling rules, you can contact us via the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy and we will explain the rules regarding the handling of personal information to you.

Article 7 Restriction or denial of the right to treat

You have the right to restrict or refuse our processing of your personal information, subject to legal requirements. If you wish to exercise this right, you may contact us via the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy and we will process the response as soon as possible after receiving your request.

Article 8 Other personal information rights

Subject to the relevant legal provisions, your next of kin may exercise the above rights of access, copying, correction, deletion, etc. to the relevant personal information behind you, but you may contact us to make alternative arrangements.

Article 9 Responding to your request above

For security purposes, you may be required to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. We will respond within fifteen (15) days or such period as may be prescribed by law or regulation.

In principle, we do not charge a fee for reasonable requests. We may refuse requests that are unnecessarily repetitive, require excessive technical means (e.g., requiring the development of a new system or a fundamental change in current practice), pose a risk to the legal rights of others, or are highly impractical (e.g., involving the backing up of information stored on magnetic tapes).

We will not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances:

(1)related to the fulfillment of our obligations under laws and regulations;

(2)Directly related to national security and defense security;

(3)directly related to public safety, public health, and significant public interest;

(4)Directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of sentences;

(5)We have sufficient evidence of subjective malice or abuse of rights by the user;

(6)For the purpose of safeguarding the important legal rights and interests of the user or other individuals, such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person himself/herself;

(7)Responding to the user's request will result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the user or other individuals or organizations;

(8)Those involving trade secrets.

Chapter Ⅶ How we protect minors' information

Our official website is intended for adults and does not actively collect personal information from minors. If you are a minor, please do not voluntarily provide personal information. If we discover that a minor has provided us with personal information without verifiable guardian consent, we will attempt to delete the information as soon as possible after we become aware of and verify it.

Chapter Ⅷ Notifications and amendments

Article 1 This Privacy Policy may be updated to provide you with a better service and as our business develops. However, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We may issue updates to this Privacy Policy by posting the updated version on our official website, and we also invite you to visit our official website to keep abreast of the latest Privacy Policy.

By continuing to browse and use our official website after any updates to this Privacy Policy have been posted, you agree to abide by such updates.

Article 2 Material changes within the meaning of this Privacy Policy include, but are not limited to:

(1)Significant changes in our service model. For example, the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and how personal information is used;

(2)Significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. For example, changes in ownership due to business restructuring, bankruptcy and mergers and acquisitions, etc;

(3) There is a change in the primary target to whom personal information is provided, transferred or publicly disclosed;

(4)Significant changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and the manner in which you exercise them;

(5) In the event of a change in the department responsible for handling the security of personal information, contact information and complaint channels;

(6)When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk.

Article 3 We will also archive an older version of this Privacy Policy for your review.

Chapter Ⅸ How to contact us

Article 1 If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy or matters relating to your personal information, please contact us.

Contact e-mail: contact@hypertides.com

Contact number: 4008-717-718

Contact Address: Room 110, Building 2, Wuchang Avenue No. 181, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Article 2 In general, we will reply within fifteen days or the period stipulated by laws and regulations. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if our personal information processing behavior has damaged your legitimate rights and interests, and we still refuse to improve without reasonable and justifiable reasons after your feedback, you can also file a complaint or report to the regulatory authorities of Netizen, Industry, Public Security and Municipal Supervision, or seek a solution by filing a lawsuit with a court of competent jurisdiction in the place of the defendant's domicile.